By: HighCelebritySquard
Lagos waste management authority (LAWMA) has assured it’s protesting workers and the entire workers in general if it’s commitment to the payment of salaries and entitlement of its workforce.
According to the group”the attention of Lagos waste management authority (LAWMA) has been drawn to pockets of protests and agitations over issues that bother on our “sweepers contractors” monthly payment,to put the records straight, it is important to inform and educate concerned members of the public, who had been sympathetic and appreciative of the daunting challenges we encounter in ensuring a clean environment and the resolve of Mr. Governor in achieving the “THEMES” agenda of this administration”.
The sweepers though, are engaged by contractors who are responsible for their upkeep, despite this however, the Authority and indeed the State government prioritise their welfare and well being, hence, they are given adequate care, support and protection.The Authority has since made April payments to our sweeping contractors , for onward disbursement to their staff members. In addition, efforts are being made to ensure prompt release of subsequent payments, not only for May, but all future payments.”,LAWMA said
LAWMA reiterate that the Authority and indeed the State government appreciate the great work our workers are rendering, especially during this Covid-19 pandemic period and assure them that it will continue to pay optimal premium to their welfare. “We want to use this medium to appreciate everyone who has shown concern and understanding towards our efforts in ensuring a consistently and sustainable cleaner Lagos.”